Saturday, December 12, 2009

Facial Flushing More Condition_symptoms How Do I Get Rid Of Facial Flushing/blotchiness?

How do I get rid of facial flushing/blotchiness? - facial flushing more condition_symptoms

The skin on my face is very sensitive and is bright red and irritated (as by rubbing or temperature changes, or no reason at all) seems to have tried everything to avoid it, but do not improve anything. Has anybody methods have forgotten? PS-N is rosacea. I know this for a fact.


Danu said...

with your skin, it is sometimes too much the worst thing to do. more products you use, the greater the risk of irritation and sensitiivty. Have you tried the calendula cream (Weleda sell something) or lavender oil? It is a healing and calming / soothing oils, which take away the charm. try a steam room in the middle of the week .. irritiating is the first time, but that's just your skin reacts to good traffic you need. also (usually a symptom of various skin conditions such as rosacea, but since you have not, you do not care), it is possible that bacteria in your system.

Danu said...

with your skin, it is sometimes too much the worst thing to do. more products you use, the greater the risk of irritation and sensitiivty. Have you tried the calendula cream (Weleda sell something) or lavender oil? It is a healing and calming / soothing oils, which take away the charm. try a steam room in the middle of the week .. irritiating is the first time, but that's just your skin reacts to good traffic you need. also (usually a symptom of various skin conditions such as rosacea, but since you have not, you do not care), it is possible that bacteria in your system.

Danu said...

with your skin, it is sometimes too much the worst thing to do. more products you use, the greater the risk of irritation and sensitiivty. Have you tried the calendula cream (Weleda sell something) or lavender oil? It is a healing and calming / soothing oils, which take away the charm. try a steam room in the middle of the week .. irritiating is the first time, but that's just your skin reacts to good traffic you need. also (usually a symptom of various skin conditions such as rosacea, but since you have not, you do not care), it is possible that bacteria in your system.

steph said...

I have the same problem = / when I find something that works let u KNW

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