Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Free Product Activation Key Microsoft Flight Simulator X XP Product Key?

XP Product Key? - free product activation key microsoft flight simulator x

I bought a Toshiba laptop from Best Buy with Vista preinstalled. I hate Vista and want to reduce it. I have an old Dell Dimension 4600, the XP Home. I have the Dell recovery CD and installed on my laptop. It worked. When I try, the main product-activation, making no claims. I've heard that if you call Microsoft, which will give a new key for free. Is that true? If so call, what number do I? Is there a way to do it on the Internet?


nookkin said...

The Dell is already activated with SLP in the factory (in SLP product key for installation is a generic SLP key can be found on the Microsoft website). No activation required if the computer has "married" (in this case, Dell installed) is, however, can be activated on another computer. If you would be with the SLP key you can use for 30 days, and at that point, _might_ able to convince Microsoft to let you activate a new password that will allow you to you.

Danny J said...

yeh call customer service or live chat will include new product key, but remember, XP does not work with SATA drives unless u download one of the better drivers Yur slipstream CD

slam1502... said...

Believe me it works Google

White Boy 8908 said...

Question by Google

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