Friday, January 29, 2010

Take 6 Day Break On Mercilon Forgot To Take The Pill For Two Days. Could I Be Pregnant?

Forgot to take the pill for two days. Could I be pregnant? - take 6 day break on mercilon

Last month I started Mercilon the oral contraceptive pill. I took the first package in its entirety and the remaining 7 days. I took 6 tablets of the second set, but then missed two in a row where I had unprotected sex with my boyfriend. This morning, I started taking the pill and end with the pack for two weeks, and soon.

Is there a way I could be pregnant? I have been pregnant before and I'm not 100% sure if the pill again after it is not good in two days or not.

Thank you:)


Diet C said...

Pregnancy may occur if the pills. If you lose, then they should use a backup method of protection.

Ice Queen said...

If you miss 2 or more pills in a row, the chances of an increase of unwanted pregnancies. It is recommended that you use a different method of contraception such as condoms. You should not unprotected sex in the meantime. I have your instructions or call your doctor if, as I am not with the pill. I've been with 3 other and if, as they were. Good luck.

Kaos said...

Every day is forgotten .. increase the chances of getting pregnant .. They look and see if you can not ... The next time you forget to use a condom ... ... I am sure that if you do not. .. 2 days is not really something that annoys more .. just be more careful next time

Kaos said...

Every day is forgotten .. increase the chances of getting pregnant .. They look and see if you can not ... The next time you forget to use a condom ... ... I am sure that if you do not. .. 2 days is not really something that annoys more .. just be more careful next time


which is always possible to be pregnant, even if you can still take the pill to become pregnant right that no method of contraception is 100%, the use of condoms and the pill

Maureen said...

You can try at least 2 weeks, after unprotected intercourse.

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