Friday, January 8, 2010

Decorate My Wedding How Should I Decorate The Wedding Night Suite?

How should I decorate the wedding night suite? - decorate my wedding

My cousin married wanto and bridesmaids to decorate the toilet for the new couple on their wedding night. Has anyone suggestions about what good they look?


Sarahz said...

Petals on the bed and bath. A bottle of champagne cooling in ice, some scented candles or incense. Aspirin for the next day! Snacks and drinks. to a basket of oils and massage lotions and some bad things! Whipped cream in a box! to have the lights low, maybe a CD of romantic music, the repetition.

Kia Sister 1- DUCK said...

Can not believe I told you where they will spend the night. We will not tell anyone where we stayed.

However, the craft, save the best resource. First rose petals, should have a package of silk and distributed throughout the room. Then a couple of very nice colored votive holders as well as utilize and share some small flameless candles inside. Perhaps a CD player or iPod with some light romantic music, it is pay-repetition.

Amy P said...

I think the rose petals on the bed is a very good idea to make the heart shape in the middle of the bed. (Make sure no allergies to participate!) Another way to get the most beautiful, is a flat piece seems to get very beautiful and elegant in the first bed. I did not collect all the leaves to take only the leaves when ready for bed.

Many candles. Champagne, wine or your favorite beverage cold and glasses ready to drink of luxury abroad.

Strawberries dipped in chocolate, and maybe a basket of cheese and crackers.

A basket of oils, lotions and bubble bath.

Be sure to stop it. Do not ask me how they did not try to see their reactions, because it opens the door. To move and decorate.

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