Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Kate Ground Full On Bad Girls Club, I Thought Someone Was Gonna Get Beat Up?

On bad girls club, i thought someone was gonna get beat up? - kate ground full

What happened? I'm in advertising, that Flo was pushed into the pool Kate and Flo said that Kate had died pushed Kate and Flo on the ground, what happened, Scence seen this?


Glenda G said...

It was an indicator for future episodes, and what Flo said that Amber is dead.

B RaBBiT :) said...

Im so confused, and I do not remember the girl with blond hair / brown and curly, but there were a flo business growing out of it. But the whole episode was Flo and Kate fight, which is strange because there has never been a split among the girls in this episode

Madison said...

Why did not you see shiit that? Girl shiit out and go do something good for society or themselves, do as homework.

Alta said...

I They noted that the exposure given to us in the search one week to another in search of juicy parts.hehe

Alicia said...

The ad was about the events in and it is not Kate and Flo and Flo are amber ...

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